You have far greater influence than you presently realize. This week’s video will help you intentionally own and expand your ability to activate others through your words and example.
Do you understand and own the power of your influence? Let’s make that clear and even more impactful, right now.
Being a social media influencer is one of today’s most aspirational professions. People want quantifiable reach, likes and comments. But you don’t need a big audience to be an influencer, you need a life, and you have one! Please consider the powerful, interconnected platform you live every single day.
You’re already a huge influencer – in your family, or circle of friends, your profession or school. And even among the strangers you encounter. Believe it! The way you live, work, speak and interact has the power to lift others or discourage them. To raise standards or lower them. You can add or subtract joy and meaning from the world in which you live.
To activate this power, first acknowledge that is exists, regardless of your social standing, earnings, or position. And it’s not just the big moments, when you’re basking in your greatest qualities. You may have the most influence when you’re dealing with difficulty or just moving through an ordinary day.
Most of your influence is unknowable. Yet some day, when you least expect it, someone will come up to you and say, “The way I saw you handle that made me think differently.” Or, “What you said to me made such an impact, and caused me to feel so much better.” Or, “Because of your influence and what you did, I decided to do this.”
Did you catch that? What you say and do, and the way you handle your life can directly influence what others think, feel and do in their lives. It happens every day, more than you’ll ever know. And here’s the real secret – influence expands with intention. Once you own it, and treat your words and example with dignity, you expand your platform and elevate your life.
Try this today. Regardless of what others are doing, be a voice of encouragement and an example of excellence. Take satisfaction in providing a contrast and setting your own standards. Then stay tuned for immediate and long term validation of your amazing influence. Until next week, stay Off Balance On Purpose.
The audio for this week’s coaching video is located under the “Get Inspired” tab in the Positive Playlist . You can subscribe to the podcast and listen to other weekly messages for improving all aspects of your life.