Do you have clarity about your next move? This week’s video will help you see the opportunities and go “all in” with more confidence and purpose.
For more than a month, we’ve all been inside our homes, and inside our heads, contemplating the unknown. And what is required now, is a different kind of commitment. This week we are Off Balance On Purpose and All IN!
If you’re like me, during these quarantine days you’ve marveled, gratefully, at the incredible dedication of our health care workers, service employees, grocery store personnel, and so many more who worked harder than ever to provide what is needed. If you are one of these amazing people, THANK YOU, so much for bringing all of you to what you do.
And now it’s time for the rest of us, if we haven’t gotten there yet, to find the same level of personal clarity and drive to double down on our commitment to our life, our work, our loved ones, and go “ALL IN” to create a new and better future.
The forced reset of our world, our systems, and our economy has closed some doors, opened others, and enabled a brand new chapter for those who are willing to lean in and make it happen. What follows will be revealing and, I believe, liberating. You’ve often thought, “If I had a chance to start over, I would do some things differently.” Well, guess what? You do!
My “all in” commitment, along with my wife and son, was to create a state of the art, digital LIVE broadcasting studio. Now, we can reach and help MORE people than ever before and provide essential education and encouragement clients around the world. And, truthfully, I haven’t been this excited about our business in a long time!
Go “inside” to discover your unique and inspiring aspirations. And then go all-in to bring them to the world. Help people. Solve problems. Be dependable. Grow! Don’t settle for a “less than,” version of what was. The past is past. And you have so much more to do, give, and become.
We have been fixated on “safety,” and that’s a good thing. But when it comes to your next move please don’t play it safe. Don’t hedge who you are, or handicap your happiness. Go ALL IN to decide and create what is coming next. Until next week, stay Off Balance On Purpose.