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Double the positive impact

of your next event

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Experience immersive keynotes & give back to those who are giving the most.

All you have to do is book me to deliver your company kickoff to 2021, Virtual Conference, customer appreciation event, leadership summit, sales meeting, or any other digital experience, and you get to “Give One” to any group of students, teachers, first responders or other groups of community leaders as an expression of your gratitude. The best part is that this applies to EVERY live virtual event booked before the end of the year.

Problems Dan helps solve:

  • How to work remotely AND effectively.
  • Balancing Work and Life in real-time.
  • Staying Positive and Productive in the midst of incredible negativity.
  • Finding new opportunities during uncertain times.
  • Increasing ongoing resilience, resourcefulness, and renewal.

If your team is experiencing these challenges, Dan can help!

Call Dan Today To Brainstorm Your Virtual Event


Bring people together even when they’re physically apart.

What do you do when a vital message and experience is needed, but “getting together” physically isn’t possible?

Dan’s virtual keynotes and workshops are fully produced, elevated events that far surpass typical virtual meetings. Your people will be engaged and feel personally connected to the learning experience.

This isn’t a webinar or talking head.

From his multi-camera, multi-set broadcasting studio, Dan hosts live experiences that are professionally produced and extremely engaging.

As more organizations are facing challenges, operating remotely, or postponing live conferences, Dan has developed a unique, powerful approach to deliver phenomenal results to any location. These high-impact, live, virtual meetings deliver Dan’s distinctive content, performance mastery, and immersive elements, straight to your desktop.

Virtual Experiences are co-created with your leadership team.

Dan tailors every presentation to successfully link your organization’s goals with the tools, direction, and drive to achieve MORE.

Book a free Brainstorming Session with Dan

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Leading your leaders, virtually.

Unprecedented events are placing new demands upon your leaders. They are being stretched to new levels, held to higher, standards, and expected to know uncharted territory. Even the best can buckle and need help.

Let Dan help your leaders, individually, and collectively, to find the strength and capacity within themselves, so that they find the confidence and answers to lead others.

Offerings Include:

  • Personal and group executive coaching.
  • Facilitated leaders’ meetings.
  • Brainstorming breakthrough sessions.

We don’t have time to waste, which is why these programs cut to the chase, and are all about results.

Speak with Dan about your specific needs

Virtual experiences are an ideal solution for remote teams.

When getting together physically isn’t an option, maintaining a strong sense of community and shared experience becomes all the more important to keep remote teams engaged.

Dan’s highly-interactive and customized virtual experiences can teach the following topics:

  • Personal resilience, renewal, and rewards!
  • Finding CERTAINTY in uncertain times.
  • How to be MORE productive in a new reality.
Speak with Dan about your specific needs

Book One, Give One! Talk to Dan about how your next event could have an even bigger impact.

Let’s brainstorm what a customized virtual team meeting, workshop or educational experience looks like for your organization. Fill out the form or call us at (770) 982-2664.


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