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Weekly Inspiration From Dan

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      Calm from Calamity

      My prediction for 2025: This year, despite your plans, goals, and deepest desires, you will encounter events and circumstances you don’t expect, do not want, and can’t yet understand. Accidents, incidents, and disappointments. Perhaps even apparent catastrophes.

      When you do, you must know this powerful truth – within calamity is the word, and option to experience, CALM. Which is yours for the taking. But to get there, you must know how to extract CALM from calamity.

      My goal here is to give you a useful and memorable tool. One that will work for you when utilized, regardless of what’s happening.  The key is the remaining letters AITY are not residual, but instructive.

      The “A” is for Acceptance. This has happened. This is happening. Acceptance doesn’t need to come at the end of a long, painful process. You can get there faster with practice.

      Now, the “I”  instructs our Intention. Calamity has a way of clarifying intentions. With acceptance, okay now what? What matters most to you? What do you now intend to express, do, or become. And because of that, what action must now follow? Then, let it flow. Make it happen. Act.

      The “TY” stands for thank you. This is your deliberate move to gratitude. What is the lesson in this you most need to learn? If you don’t yet have an answer, stay open to discovering one, knowing our greatest gifts and opportunities come from unexpected challenges.

      And note, calm also exists within the word “calamari,” but that’s another lesson… about the power of humor and fried food.

      For now, know that when facing calamity, you can move more directly to acceptance, activate intention, and say “thank you” to gifts and lessons.  And when you do, calm is closer than you think. Until next week, stay Off Balance On Purpose.


      The audio for this week’s coaching video is located under the “Get Inspired” tab in the Positive Playlist . You can subscribe to the podcast and listen to other weekly messages for improving all aspects of your life.

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