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Weekly Inspiration From Dan

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Navigating Uncertainty

What will it take to get you there? Every worthwhile undertaking requires effort. The problem is, we are generally pretty lousy at forecasting how much effort it will take to accomplish what we are pursuing.

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Attention to Detail

Getting it Done vs. Getting it Right. My wife saw this mailbox while driving through a nearby neighborhood last week and stopped to take a photo. After all, there would be no other way to adequately explain it to me. This has to be, quite possibly, the world’s worst brick mailbox.

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How to Get Better

We’ve all heard of beginner’s luck, and we’ve been told that to get consistent great results … at anything …  takes time. So it follows that the longer you play your sport, do your job, or are a parent (or spouse), the better you’ll become. Right? Not necessarily.

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On Thin Ice

When are risks worth taking?  And how should you approach the “right risks?” Two weeks ago, when snow and ice descended upon Atlanta, it made national headlines. In fact, I was in Lethbridge, Canada this week (where the weather was subzero and snowy), and even they had heard about the freak Atlanta snowstorm!

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Adapt to Connect

I am so excited to be returning to Puerto Rico this month where I’ll be speaking at the El Conquistador Resort for SHRM–PR. Shay and I are bringing the whole family to enjoy the destination and make some wonderful memories. The audience I will address at this event speaks Spanish as a first language, although most are also fluent in English.

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Bold Goals for 2012

Last week I got together with my friend and fellow speaker, Mike Rayburn, to do some planning and goal setting for the New Year. We had a very productive two day session, discussing all aspects of business, as well as our families, fitness, and spiritual journeys. We really pushed each other to “Go for the Bold.”

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