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Weekly Inspiration From Dan

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More Time

What would you do if you had more time? Are you using time as a tool or as an excuse? Invest just two and a half minutes in this week’s video, and gain perspective and steps to utilize all the time you have.

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Who’s to Blame?

Who’s to blame? There are basically three ways to answer that question. 

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Some People Suck

What do you do when you’re dealing with someone who totally sucks… your energy, your joy, and your focus?

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Keeping Score

Who’s winning? Who’s just whining? And what is the score, anyway? How do you measure progress, success, or significance? When is “keeping score” a good thing, and when does score keeping work against our best interests?

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How comfortable are you meeting new people? And are others comfortable meeting you? Today we’re going to improve our approach-ability, OBOP in Las Vegas!

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Holiday Wishes

As you celebrate the season in your own special way, my family and I wanted to  pass along our own personal wishes to you and your loved ones. Time is fleeting and yet life is precious. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of yours!

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