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Weekly Inspiration From Dan

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      Don’t Ask for Permission


      Do you have a burning desire? A heartfelt ambition? An overdue necessity that will radically improve your life? From Boston, I’m just asking, what are you waiting for?

      In my life and work through coaching others, I’ve often noticed the common theme of waiting. Waiting to change or commit until the right time. Waiting for just the right circumstances or opportunities. And the big one – consciously or unconsciously, waiting for someone else’s permission.
      It’s like we need someone to tell us we’re ready or deserving. Or we want “buy in” or shared ownership of the unknown. But that’s not how it works. If you have clarity about what’s possible, desirable, or needed, then it’s up to you to lead the way.  And right now, I’m giving you permission.
      What is the one thing that, for you, changes everything? What must you acknowledge or admit to? What commitment would propel you toward vital growth and fulfillment? If you have that answer, please don’t wait any longer.
      But life is busy, and full of distractions. Make distractions wait for you. Hit the snooze on what’s unimportant. And for goodness sake, don’t wait for the perfect plan. You won’t fully know the next steps until you take the first step. And there is no “end result,” just a new unfolding journey.
      Seeking approval or acquiescence can be necessary but often backfires. Exactly who are you asking? Is your positive path a perceived threat to them – a mirror reflecting their unwillingness, fear, or lack of purpose?
      Of course this is scary and requires both head and heart.  But you’re ready enough and more capable than you realize. Take action. Start boldly. As you do, others may look to you for permission to follow. Until next week, stay Off Balance On Purpose.


      The audio for this week’s coaching video is located under the “Get Inspired” tab in the Positive Playlist . You can subscribe to the podcast and listen to other weekly messages for improving all aspects of your life.

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