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      Don’t Decide Yet

      Are you being pressed for an answer? Struggling to choose when you don’t yet have clarity? Well there’s a good chance your decision can wait.




      When is the right answer no answer? We’re in  Delaware, delaying decisions.  Are you being pressed for an answer? Struggling to choose when you don’t yet have clarity? Well there’s a good chance your decision can wait.
      Part of living in chaos is being okay with the unknown and undecided. Leaving things up in the air relieves the pressure of urgency, allowing factors to come into focus, analysis, and new choices and opportunities to emerge. This may frustrate those asking for answers, but there are graceful ways to postpone.
      Whether solving a problem, making a purchase, or choosing a course of action, get clear on the precise question and also when an answer is required. You see, once we have all the details, the reflex is to just pick a choice.  Instead, consider delaying decisions, especially important ones, until they need to be made.
      Quick decisions instantly remove other options and may interrupt the natural flow of discovery. I often find God’s timing to be fashionably later than desired. These days, especially where tech is concerned, advancements come quickly. “Buy now” may lead to “regret later.” Book every moment in advance, and you may miss spontaneous adventures and invitations.
      One of our best vacations ever was a week long raft trip through the Grand Canyon, which we booked 18 months out to secure the best outfitter and peak weather week. We reserved twenty slots. But we didn’t finalize the guest list until we were way closer to launch.  I’m not saying wait until the last minute. I’m saying decide when you need to.
      If you’re booking a speaker for your conference, though, you should do that immediately. Call me. We’ll make it happen, and it will be amazing.
      Sometimes the answer is obvious, or needed now. But if the decision is complex or consequential and can wait, then maybe it should. And you have my permission to say, “I’ll get back to you on that.” Until next week, stay Off Balance On Purpose.


      The audio for this week’s coaching video is located under the “Get Inspired” tab in the Positive Playlist . You can subscribe to the podcast and listen to other weekly messages for improving all aspects of your life.

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