It’s New Year’s Eve and we’re counting down to a new number, but really, to new beginnings and possibilities – starting anew, or at least a next. From the Mediterranean Sea, let’s talk about how to make better starts, more frequently.
The New Year marks a moment of promise and hope for improvement through time and effort. Perhaps this is the year we’ll finally steer clear of what’s stopped us or realize the rewards of past aims and efforts.
I love this intention but, frankly, prefer shorter timelines. That’s why I love mornings. Sunrise. Light that brings freshness and originality to a routine as old as time. The very pulse of potential and promises kept.
My wife and I are aboard a Viking cruise ship, presently arriving into Sete, France. This year end excursion marks our 31st anniversary and a new beginning to our lives and relationship. Each port is brand new to us, yet these seas have been sailed for eons. The cobblestone streets we’ve not yet stepped on are well worn by countless hopeful, motivated, souls.
Maybe the goal this year is to get better at starting over. Not waiting for another year, but starting over each day or in the span of an intentional moment.
Perhaps a new conversation or a new attempt informed by lessons of the past. In expanding our viewpoint we see our small, essential role in a larger story and the huge opportunities that await us.
So, Happy New Day. Let’s make this one special and significant from the start. Until next week, stay Off Balance On Purpose.
The audio for this week’s coaching video is located under the “Get Inspired” tab in the Positive Playlist . You can subscribe to the podcast and listen to other weekly messages for improving all aspects of your life.