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Honing Intuition

When facing a choice, sometimes you need all the facts, and other times, it pays to trust your gut. It’s more scientific than you might think, and this three minute video will give you five steps to hone and utilize the power of your intuition.






When making a choice, sometimes you need all the facts, and other times, it pays to trust your gut. This week, we’re honing your intuition, in Sydney, Australia.
Do you know that feeling when when you just know, that you know? Or, have you ever ignored your intuition and later regretted it? Whether seizing an opportunity or avoiding misfortune, learning to trust your gut can be a valuable asset in your life skills toolbox.
First, realize is that this is a real thing, not just an imagined sensation. Research scientists have been able to measure intuition and its impact on decision-making. Some call it  “non-conscious emotional information.” Now I like that, because it suggests that you are interpreting and processing data, you’re just not doing it analytically.
Whether you call it your “inner voice” or “gut instinct,” the fact is that you possess a “second brain” which reside in your gut. You have hundreds of millions of neurons and complex chemical processes connecting your brain to the part of your nervous system which controls gastro-intestinal function. It may not be verbal, or cognitive, but what is happening here is extremely relevant and real, nonetheless, and you are wired to receive it vividly.
You also have trillions of micro-biotic organisms living in your gut, which may play a role in how your feelings manifest. But that might creep you out, so don’t think about it too much.
The key is just to realize that what you feel informs what you think, and honing increasing awareness can help guide your life. So here are five suggestions to better utilize your intuition.
1. Tune in. Establish a baseline. Calibrate what your gut feels, and how it translates to your intuitive thoughts. Do it now, and during your regular work and life activities.
2. Activate “notifications.” Just like you turn on “alerts” for your phone, you need to tell your brain to actively receive and recognize the feelings, bringing them to your real-time awareness.
3. Assign meaning. Make a “best guess” as to what your intuition is telling you.
4. Confirm or re-interpret. After the events play out ask, “was your feeling accurate?”
5. Care for your instrument. What and how much you eat makes a difference. As does getting adequate rest, water, and minimizing stress.
Journaling this process can be a big help. And one more thing. Don’t fool yourself. Sometimes people proclaim that their hunch caused them to betray better judgement, when really they’re just trying to justify a bad decision. Pretending you don’t know, what you do know, is kind of the opposite of intuition.
So before you make that next big decision, process the facts. But then go deep, or you could say “down under,” to tune into the intuitive, non-conscious information that is legitimately yours and at the ready to serve you. Until next week, stay Off Balance On Purpose.
  • MIke Thomas says:

    From my wold view God created the whole person and feelings (intuition) are good because he declared it so. I think you gave a good balanced view. One of the best I’ve heard. Thanks for addressing this important topic and not ignoring it as nonintellectual. Your five guidelines were spot on.

  • Well done, Dan! I am going to show this video clip to the Veterans I work with for my Optimal Response Initiative Group (also a workbook I wrote for them) when I teach on The Value, Purpose, & Process of Emotions! Hoo-Ah!
    Dr. Seymour

  • Holger Jørgensen says:

    Intuition is high-power voltage, it is not something you can use by will, or train, and if you tray to do by strong mantras you risk to be burned badly. Intuition is a ability to see behind, or through the physical surface, it must grow naturely and the first experiences is mystic without any details, and gradually growing from impulses to glimses. So what you tell, has not much to do with the true nature of Intuition.

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