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Weekly Inspiration From Dan

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      Models, Mentors, and Masterminds

      Life is a journey, and if you want to upgrade your ride and destination, you may need to travel with different passengers. From Greensboro, NC, here are three ways to attract and connect with helpful people.
      You’ve heard the principle, “we become most like the people we spend time with.” If this is true, and that has been my experience, then we should choose to align with people who bring out our best while revealing something better. Here are three ways to make these important selections.
      1. Role models. The great thing about role models is you can choose anyone living or dead, as you don’t need their permission. Study and curate the best qualities, habits, and beliefs of those you most admire and seek to emulate. Incorporate their attributes, making them yours.
      2. Mentors. Mentor-mentee relationships are more reciprocal. You find someone accomplished and willing to share their knowledge with you personally. It’s a big ask, so you earn their acceptance by asking excellent questions and demonstrating your willingness to implement.
      3. Masterminds. The third option involves peer to peer groups who help each other succeed. Mastermind groups are typically a small number of people who share mutual respect, aligned values, and goals, yet unique experience and knowledge to share and learn from each other.
      If you’re thinking of starting a mastermind, select people and structure time with thoughtful care. I’d also strongly suggest having a one-day event before considering a long-term commitment. The right models, mentors, and masterminds can fast track your growth and enrich your life. Yet, they also take time and focus. To create space, you’ll need to spend increasingly less time with people and habits that hold you back.
      So, who will you model? Who might you seek as a mentor? And who would make up your mastermind? Until next week, choose inspiring people, and stay Off Balance On Purpose.


      The audio for this week’s coaching video is located under the “Get Inspired” tab in the Positive Playlist . You can subscribe to the podcast and listen to other weekly messages for improving all aspects of your life.

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