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Weekly Inspiration From Dan

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      The Room Where It Happens

      Are you in the right room to realize your dreams? This week’s video delivers four solid steps to attract the people and opportunities to enrich your life and enable greater success.




      Are you in the right room to realize your dreams? This week let’s talk about creating opportunities. We’re Off Balance On Purpose, in Phoenix.
      Eight years ago I got a phone call invitation to join “Speakers Roundtable,” the very first and highly respected mastermind fellowship of just 20 elite speaking professionals. My first thought: “Who am I to do deserve this?” I mean, these are some of the legends and pioneers of the profession, rock star speakers, and best selling authors whose fees and accomplishments far exceeded my own. Of course, I said yes.
      I started showing up. And kept showing up, finding ways to contribute value, and implement what I learned.  So I’m here, now, at the Speakers Roundtable Winter meeting, with this advice. Find the room, the fellowship of those smarter and more accomplished than you, and then earn the right to stay there. Your path won’t be my path, but these steps may help.
      1. Be Real. Do the work. Live your values. Build relationships, and don’t rush the process.
      2. Believe you belong.  Remove enough of the doubt to find belief. And then find those who will elevate you. And if they find you, say yes!
      3. Bring all you are. Don’t try to be something you’re not. But you must show up with who you are and what you have to give. You’re not an accurate judge of the value of your contributions, because you’re too close to the merchandise. So give what you have, and see what happens.
      4. Back it up.  Once you are in the room, demonstrate your commitment to grow. If people are trying to help you and you’re not doing the work, they lose interest, and respect.
      I promise if you are truly willing to lean in to these steps, you’ll find yourself in rooms where you will make it happen. Until next week, stay Off Balance on Purpose.





    • Joe says:

      I needed to hear this today! Thank you, Dan! I love the content you create and the positive insightful messages you share. Happy New Year!

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