Are you serious about achieving growth, progress, or results? We need to get honest in order to get better. This week’s video begins a three-part series teaching how we can accelerate the process of improvement. And the first question to explore is “How willing are you, really?” This video will help you get clear and expand your willingness.
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Ouch! I needed to hear that! Thank you, Dan.
Needed to hear that with my Japanese language study!
It is the biggest study that I really am not willing to not give my time to, but I have to.
It is not like the other parts of my work that I was ‘MORE than WILLING’ to do the work. haha
Getting to the level of honesty to recognize that I’m not really willing to do something is scary because it forces the question: what AM I wiling to do?? And I don’t think I have an answer for that yet
Diana, that is a super important realization and a very honest self-assessment. Well done! And do not worry – now that you’ve asked the right question (and will be unable to pretend you didn’t), the answer will find its way to you. Stay alert and observant to your intuition.