When facing a challenge, sometimes you’re not as prepared as you’d like to be, or encounter unexpected obstacles. This week’s video battles the elements to teach you to how to summon your best!
How do you know you’re prepared for the challenge you’re about to face? And what do you do if you suspect you might not be? We’re in Ocean City, Maryland, ready enough.
I had back to back events over the last two days, in Las Vegas, and then here in Ocean City the next day. That meant a sleepless red eye flight, delayed connections, and a shortened warm up. Also, the room was tight and unusual, and there were technical challenges. But regardless, that audience deserved my very best.
Preparation is a spectrum between two scenarios. Ideally, you have plenty of time, just what you need, and can move through your perfect preparation process, building confidence and improving the odds of success.
But sometimes, for whatever reason, you find yourself at showtime or go time, feeling, well, a bit unconvinced in your readiness. In these instances, the skill is to leverage the preparation you did have, draw from past experiences, and surrender to be present for the challenge.
The mindset here is, “I’ve been preparing for this moment all of my life.” Everything you’ve done and learned, your past successes and failures, are all in the synergistic mix. Everything counts and serves you, if you can trust yourself to show up fully and go for it.
Unburdened from the normal, or the ideal, you may even discover something extra special, or even magical.
Before every speech, I say a prayer before stepping on stage, releasing control and expectations and invoking divine guidance. I ask God to work through me to reach, teach, and move those in my audience.
Honestly, gratefully, it could not have gone any better. It turns out, with a little help, I was ready enough. And so are you. Lean into your next challenge. Release the need to prepare or perform perfectly, and show up to the moment completely, realizing you have so much to contribute and learn. And until next week, stay Off Balance On Purpose.