If something happens once, it may be random. If it happens twice, it should get your attention. And if it happens three times, it’s a pattern you’re involved in or helping to create. Until you can see the pattern, it’s unlikely you’ll escape it, so here are four steps to better see your patterns.
Are you stuck in a loop? Confused in the chaos? Have you hit a ceiling? From Miami, Florida, let me help you see the patterns.
We live in a world of natural and human patterns, and they also exist in our jobs, health, relationships, our thoughts, and our words. Patterns serve us to a point, providing stability and predictability in life.
But over time, patterns can become self-serving, get bigger, and lock into repetitive loops of limitation. There’s very likely a pattern at work in your life right now, personally or professionally, that needs to be changed or transcended.
If something happens once, it may be random. If it happens twice, it should get your attention. And if it happens three times, it’s a pattern you’re involved in or helping to create. Until you see the pattern, it’s unlikely you’ll escape it, so here are four steps to better see your patterns.
1. Watch Yourself. Zoom out your perspective to gain objectivity. Look for big picture, rather than intimate details.
2. Find Similarities. Instead of seeing every situation as unique ask, “when have I seen or experienced this before?”
3. Project Impact. Patterns build over time, meaning the next version of what you’re seeing will be more intense and impactful. What will that look like?
4. Own Your Role. Even if you don’t cause the pattern, you have some part in its perpetuation.
Is the projected impact desirable? If not, you can disrupt it. Instead of reacting instinctively, respond with intention. My new book, Positive Chaos teaches the mindsets and skill sets for positive disruption in life and business. This book will help you, so please get it, and join our launch team for free bonuses right here.
Once you see the patterns, your world becomes less overwhelming. Next steps simplify, and breakthroughs can happen fast. So look for the loops then lean in to change them, and you’ll be Off Balance On Purpose.